Monday 21 September 2009

Track choices and intitial ideas.

TRACK 02- home video style, with a girl driving the car with the window down.
- plays guitar, whilst on the road in different locations.

TRACK 09-a church service/wedding ceremony, when the service is over as we meet the climax
of the music, everyone bursts out of the church laughing/madness/FUN!

TRACK12- the pictures stutter as the disc is scratched, and its performance based.
A story will cut in between shots. to show more of a detailed video.

MAIN IDEA.-Track 02

-solo road trip, early morning(view the clock)-(6am) next shots. the singer travelling through meadows and countryside. with the occasional city/town or village.(another shot at the watch or car clock to show the times through out the day. other shots to include her playing the guitar outside of the car.

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