Thursday 17 September 2009

Sara Bareilles-Gravity

Goodwin's Analysis

Genre Characteristics
Sarah Bareilles song Gravity is a pop-ballad and demonstrates certain genre characteristics by moving along to a slower tempo than a usual pop song. This helps to gives atmosphere and meaning to the music and lyrics which is necessary and vital in a stereotyical pop-ballad. The video also incorporates bold colours which attract the eye and make it interesting although these are kept to a minimum as to not contradict the meaning of the song; this is also very stereotypical of this genre.

Lyrics and Visuals

The lyrics tend to link in with the visuals all throughout the song although through a play on words; for example the song is called Gravity and there are lyrics such as "I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity" but in the video there are objects such as aeroplanes, clouds and planets which supposedly defy gravity. Also when she sings "here on the ground" and "one thing that I still know is that your keeping me down" is contradicting as she is actually the furthest away from the "ground" that she has been since the beginning which indicates that she has already succeeded but doesn't realise it yet.

Music and Visuals

There is also a relationship between the slow tempo of the song and the slow pace of the video. The artist imitates the slow pace by walking slowly forward which also has the connotations of progression and development which again immitates the song's own progression and movement.
The artist's costume/clothing is not provicative in any way which apart from complying to the genre, appeals to the target audience. Also with the lyrics, music and visuals combined, this gives us a greater impression on what the artist's emotions are supposed to be. The delicate melody balanced with the piano and strings has connotations of her being melancholy and showing her vulnerable side which also helps with the connection to the audience.

Selling the Artist

As for 'selling the artist' there are many ways in which this music video achieves this area. There is a constant tracking shot of the artist which includes two major close-ups: one at the beginning and one at the end. Also there is a lot of central framing which helps up to focus on the artist throughout the music video.


As far as we are aware, there is no intertextual referencing as she is not connected to or associated with any other musicians, movies or tv media areas.


Although it is not concidered provocative or 'thrilling', the artiat maintains a nearly constant direct gaze with the camera. This achieves a connection to the audience which draws them in as it gives the impression that they are who the artist is looking at.

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